above it all

Photo of a Helicopter Taking Aerial Photographs

Fall into the Southeast

Leaves are just starting to change here in the Southeast. We still have our warm days, long evenings and mosquitoes to deal with but not for long. We always look…

Photo of a drone hovering before an aerial photography job

Flight Hours Matter

Think the FAA has a perfect system for monitoring, licensing and enforcing drone regulations? Think again. The agency has been reactionary to a lot of drone advances in the marketplace.…

AT&T Batman Building

Be Covered at Every Altitude

What's in a number? When it comes to flight altitude, a lot! We have times when we need to get low for the great building or skyline shot. And other…

Drone Floating

5 Drone Related Skills to Master

You've heard of multi-tasking; doing several things poorly at once. How about drone-tasking? No? Well, I just made it up. But it may be a fitting way to describe how…

Panoramic Aerial View of Downtown Nashville - Drone Photography by Aerial Innovations Southeast

True Drone Costs

Is buying a drone for your project or company a true cost-saving measure? Yes....and no, well, it depends. You want to account for it correctly and weigh the options, then…

Under view of a flying drone - Aerial Innovations Southeast

Plane Talk About Drones

Everyone has a drone story by now. Either you or your company may have purchased one, you have a "fly-away" story or know someone who has, or maybe you are…

What do you care about?

"The reason it seems that price is all your customers care about is that you haven't given them anything else to care about." Simon Sinek In the photography industry, the…

Photo of a drone hovering before an aerial photography job

The Attack of the Tomato

We got to have a little fun this past Saturday with our #DJIMavicPro. The East Nashville Tomato Art Fest is in it's 15th year & for the past 5 years,…